Credit Control

Offering credit to customers and clients can help to ensure business success, especially for items and services that are costly. However, to do this effectively you need to ensure you have a suitable credit control management system in place, so you know that your credit offering is not only attractive to customers but that you can also ensure customers make payments in good time.

At Subtilis Accountancy, our credit control specialists will work with you to ensure your collection policy is robust, so you don’t end up out of pocket, while also ensuring repeat custom and ongoing business success.

Our advice and services include:

guidance on setting the best credit period
determining cash discounts for return customers
credit standards and conditions
tailored, prompt collection policy

Work with us to ensure financial stability while operating a robust credit system that is attractive to your prospective customers.


Subtilis Accountancy has worked with numerous clients and have reached their level of satisfaction. Here are some of the testimonials of our clients whom we served with reliable and assured assistance.